Future Prospects for Skilled Workers in Jordan
supports modernisation of the TVET in the MENA region
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The Jordanian labour market needs well-trained skilled workers more urgently than ever. In the construction industry alone, 24,000 construction specialists are needed. Within the framework of the state training system, however, only 1,500 people are trained each year. Outstanding positions are filled with unskilled workers.
GPP in cooperation with the Crafts Education Centre Brackwede conducted in Jordan vocational qualification in the field of construction and automotive engineering. The aim of the project is to contribute to improving the quality of the state training of skilled workers by transferring know-how in technical content and methodical and didactic approaches.
Twelve trainers from state-run training institutions from the construction and automotive sectors took part in advanced training courses in Germany in the years 2016 and 2017. Following the continuing education courses in Germany, the trainers were supported in implementing what they had learned. German experts from the Handicraft Education Centre travelled to Amman and accompanied the Jordanian colleagues in their lessons. They advised the management level of the schools on the reorganisation of curricula and workshops and carried out further training courses in which newly acquired skills were deepened and expanded.